lepeophtheirus salmonis造句
- These receptors have also been described in arthropods, such as " Drosophila melanogaster " and " Lepeophtheirus salmonis ".
- Carotenoids of sea lice ( " Lepeophtheirus salmonis " ) as potential indicators of host Atlantic salmon ( " Salmo salar"
- The Lepeophtheirus salmonis sea louse, a small crustacean parasite that attacks the protective mucus, scales and skin of the salmon has been shown to carry the virus passively on its surface and in its digestive tract.
- Sea lice, particularly " Lepeophtheirus salmonis " and a variety of " Caligus " species, including " Caligus clemensi " and " Caligus rogercresseyi ", can cause deadly infestations of both farm-grown and wild salmon.
- Under laboratory conditions Lepeophtheirus salmonis has been demonstrated to passively transfer ISA . It is not known whether the Infectious salmon anemia virus can reproduce itself in the sea louse, although this is a possibility as viruses often depend on secondary vectors for transmission like the Arboviruses such as dengue fever, West Nile virus, or African swine fever virus.
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- This article focuses on the genera " Lepeophtheirus " and " Caligus " which parasitize marine fish, in particular those species that have been recorded on farmed salmon . " Lepeophtheirus salmonis " and various " Caligus " species are adapted to saltwater and are major ectoparasites of farmed and wild Atlantic salmon.
- Many sea louse species are specific with regard to host genera, for example " L . salmonis " which has high specificity for salmonids, including the widely farmed Atlantic salmon ( " Salmo salar " ) . " Lepeophtheirus salmonis " can parasitize other salmonids to varying degrees, including brown trout ( sea trout : " Salmo trutta " ), Arctic char ( " Salvelinus alpinus " ), and all species of Pacific salmon.