
lepeophtheirus salmonis造句

"lepeophtheirus salmonis"是什么意思   


  1. These receptors have also been described in arthropods, such as " Drosophila melanogaster " and " Lepeophtheirus salmonis ".
  2. Carotenoids of sea lice ( " Lepeophtheirus salmonis " ) as potential indicators of host Atlantic salmon ( " Salmo salar"
  3. The Lepeophtheirus salmonis sea louse, a small crustacean parasite that attacks the protective mucus, scales and skin of the salmon has been shown to carry the virus passively on its surface and in its digestive tract.
  4. Sea lice, particularly " Lepeophtheirus salmonis " and a variety of " Caligus " species, including " Caligus clemensi " and " Caligus rogercresseyi ", can cause deadly infestations of both farm-grown and wild salmon.
  5. Under laboratory conditions Lepeophtheirus salmonis has been demonstrated to passively transfer ISA . It is not known whether the Infectious salmon anemia virus can reproduce itself in the sea louse, although this is a possibility as viruses often depend on secondary vectors for transmission like the Arboviruses such as dengue fever, West Nile virus, or African swine fever virus.
  6. It's difficult to find lepeophtheirus salmonis in a sentence. 用lepeophtheirus salmonis造句挺难的
  7. This article focuses on the genera " Lepeophtheirus " and " Caligus " which parasitize marine fish, in particular those species that have been recorded on farmed salmon . " Lepeophtheirus salmonis " and various " Caligus " species are adapted to saltwater and are major ectoparasites of farmed and wild Atlantic salmon.
  8. Many sea louse species are specific with regard to host genera, for example " L . salmonis " which has high specificity for salmonids, including the widely farmed Atlantic salmon ( " Salmo salar " ) . " Lepeophtheirus salmonis " can parasitize other salmonids to varying degrees, including brown trout ( sea trout : " Salmo trutta " ), Arctic char ( " Salvelinus alpinus " ), and all species of Pacific salmon.


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